Monday, April 27, 2009

My Silent Rose

Oh my Silent Rose!

You burn me alive with your heavy silence.

I´m bleeding of your barbed voice.

Let me awake you up from your sleepy dreams!

Oh Oh my Silent Rose!

You are the springtime’s permanent spaces.

You are the wedding´s cry of joy.

You are the Queen of the rainbow´s kingdom of colors.

Let me water you up with my watery map

Let me nourish your roots with my smooth.

Let me pour my love and longing over your lap.

Let me smell the fragrance of your perfume.

Let me dream about meeting you and loving you as the ancient remains loves the museum.

Let me enjoy the flavor of Redchilli on your lips.

I got drunk because of your magical music.

You blow up my bed with your stormy winds on my coverlet.

I´m knocking on your door!
Open your heart and let me inn.

Open your window and let me touch your skin.

I´m laying here down,waiting for the falling dew drops from your crown.

One drop of yours when it touch my inner.

It explodes my sources and turns you to a winner.

My water will reach your lakes.

My river will run between your legs.

Please don´t keep silent!

Talk to Me Now!

The speech of diamonds and gold.

The speech of Love, yearning and wondering.

Talk to me with your magical and exciting lips of elegance.

Your silence is more painful than the heavy war.

It shatters me to thousands of pieces.

Your words is healing for the lovers.

Your words is the booty of the hunters.

And your body is the paradise for the Immortals.

Oh my Silent Rose!
You said so much to me in your silence.

How can I work with something else but my art?

Why should I pay the price with my heart?

I´m the Rose. I´m the princess.

I´m the the artist.

Can anyone show me the gate to my future?

If you can do that I promise you that you´ll never get sad when you see my picture.

And I will turn whole your life to eternal adventure.

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